Basic vs. Team plan

Basic plan (legacy)

This is the legacy plan that we offered until Dec 2020. From that period, new users can no longer subscribe to this plan, but it remains available to those who signed up for Everhour trial before the effective date.

Team plan

At the moment, this is the only plan available for new customers.

What's next?

We do not cut off the existing functionality for users on Basic plan. You can keep using the same set of features you have been paying since you first purchased that plan. You will also get all small updates and bug fixes. We did not force you to move to a higher plan. At the same time, all huge features that drastically impact the experience will come with a new plan only. 

Feature Basic plan Team plan
Screenshots - +
Invoice templates - +
Log per Project and Member - +
Jira bi-directional sync
- +
SSO - +
Timeline app
- +
Folders in reports - +
Custom admin permissions
- +
Create folders with documents - +

If you think you may benefit from a new feature that is available on Team plan, please go to your billing page (visible to team owners only) and upgrade. Please note that this change cannot be undone, you cannot revert back to the legacy plan!

Same will happen if you unsubscribe from a legacy plan (cancel your subscription intentionally or automatically due to non-payment of the recurrent invoice). When you try to subscribe again, you will only be able to select the actual plan - Team plan.

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