Timeline: basic information

An essential part of time management is to build project roadmaps, manage your team workload and keep track of progress to deliver work on time. We offer to do that in our 'Timeline' app. Available only in Team plan.

In this article

Timeline at a glance

This is a calendar of all team assignments, past, and future.

  1. Group by Member, Project or use without grouping;
  2. Zoom in/out this page and navigate between weeks. 
  3. Apply different filters. Create a blank new assignment. Choose unscheduled tasks to quickly add to the Timeline;
  4. The assignment block is a task or time off with time spent vs estimate below. Click on the assignment to open details or make changes.
  5. Optionally, you can display number of planned hours per day or show the sum of future planned hours from the estimates starting today.

Settings and permissions

When a user has access to the project of an assignment, regardless of their team role, they can see, plan and edit assignments for any user. An exception is a member with limited access: they can only create assignments for themselves or without a member.

If you connect any project management tool, all assignments from all projects will get synced and will be displayed at one page. Assignments made to users, who currently have no profile in your Everhour team, will be displayed in the special "External" section of the Timeline.

❗Existing Trello users might need to disable and then re-enable their integration to make it fully function.

Create and edit assignments

Inside Everhour

You can create an assignment by clicking on the green "Create Assignment" button in the upper right-hand corner or by capturing a specific period right inside the calendar. As a result, you'll see a window with additional information.

  • Select the type of an assignment: 'Task' or 'Time off'; 
  • Choose a task;
  • Specify the period and color.

Setting and changing an assignee and start/end dates will trigger an update in your integrated tool. Be careful! Read what integrations have a two way sync of dates and assignees below.

If you activate "Show daily planned time" in filter section, your assignment will start showing the sum of estimates to work daily. The number is calculated as your total estimated time divided by number of assigned days (Start Date - End Date). It will be also compared with the daily capacity that is calculated from a user weekly capacity on the Members page. You can see free hours for today by hovering on a number of planned time.

Ex: you estimate 10 hours for a task that should be finished within 2 days. Your daily capacity is 7 hours. Planned time shows 5 hours booked and 2 free hours.

Inside integration

You can add start/end dates and task assignee directly in your connected project management tool. Some of them, like Asana, allow only one task assignee, while others, like ClickUp, allow multiple assignees on one task. The created assignment will automatically appear in your Timeline if it at least has a due date. 

Please check the table below that explains how Timeline syncs assignments from each of integrations we have.

Sync Assignee (-s) Sync Due Date Sync Start Date
Asana ✔️  ✔️ ✔️
Trello ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Github ✔️ ✔️ -
ClickUp ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Jira ✔️ 
✔️ ✔️
Basecamp 3 - ✔️ ✔️
Basecamp 2 - - -
TeamWork - - -
Monday.com ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Gitlab ✔️  ✔️
Pivotal - - -
BitBucket - - -
Insightly - - -
Notion - - -
Todoist - - -
Linear ✔️  ✔️  -

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