Connecting with Coda, Figma, Google Docs, Hupspot, Miro, Zendesk, etc.

Everhour offers a series of website integrations where you only need to use a browser extension to track hours.

In this article

What are website integrations

For a while now, you’ve been able to sync Everhour with such popular tools like Asana, Trello, Jira, ClickUp, GitHub, Todoist, Notion, etc. We call them "native integrations". For these integrations we automatically sync your projects and tasks, as well changes you do with them. That means your reports will always show the freshest data from the integrated tool.

"Website integration" is a lightweight version of a native integration. It shows the Start Timer button on a particular website, so you can track your time without leaving what you’re doing, but it doesn't show the total time and estimate on a task, nor does it sync any details except the text and back link upon a start of the timer.

How to enable it

To enable website integrations on your Chrome, download our browser extension and authorise with your Everhour account in it. Then, open the extension window, click on the avatar icon and go to Integrations to enable one or all of them:

If you use Safari, you should open a your website first and then click on the extension icon that shows up in the browser toolbar to allow integration.

If you use Firefox, right click our extension icon in your browser toolbar and choose "Always allows on X website".

Connecting with Help Desk websites

Everhour offers website integration with such popular ticketing systems as Help Scout, Intercom, Freshdesk, LiveAgent and Zendesk. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer and Add time button for some integrations will appear on the ticket page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with ticket id and title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a ticket in help desk software. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task. 

Connecting with CRM websites

Everhour offers website integration with such popular ticketing systems as Pipedrive, Salesforce and Hubspot. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer button/Add time will appear on the ticket page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with category and title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a deal/lead in crm software. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task. 

Connecting with Project management tools

Everhour offers website integration with such popular project management systems as Airtable, Redbooth, Shortcut, Breeze, Zenkit Projects and Infinity. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer/Add time button will appear on the task page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with task/story title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a task in project management software. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task. 

Connecting with Gmail, Google Sheets, Google Docs

Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer button/Add time will appear on the email, google doc/sheet page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with doc/email/sheet title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a task in a google doc/email/sheet. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task. 

Connecting with Coda and Canva

Everhour offers website integration with such popular document software as Coda and Canva. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer and Add time button for some integrations will appear on the ticket page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with document title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a document. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task. 

Connecting with Figma

Everhour offers website integration with such popular design software as Figma. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer and Add time button for some integrations will appear on the ticket page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with file title. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a file in Figma. 

Connecting with Miro

Everhour offers website integration with such popular dashboard software as Miro. Once you enable a website integration, the Start Timer and Add time button for some integrations will appear on the ticket page:

This entry shows on a user Time page with a board name. You can edit this title as well as time reported in the entry. On the right side of the list view, there is a quick link to follow and open a file in Miro. 

The entry does not belong to any particular task and resembles our time tracking without task method. If you don't add it to an existing task in your internal or connected projects, it will show on a user timesheet, summary, timers pages, custom reports for team administrators. This time, however, does not become billable until you add the entry to an existing task.

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