How to add / edit expenses (admin)

Admins can view and manage the expenses of the whole team on the 'Expenses' page (provided that the Expenses app was activated).

Create an expense

By clicking the 'Add Expense' button, you will see the expense editing form. 

  1. Pick a date when the expense took place, select category, and add amount;
  2. Leave a short description and attach files (receipts, invoices, screenshots, etc.);
  3. Assign project and/or team member;
  4. Mark the expense as belonging to a billable amount, project costs, or keep it separate. If you choose billable amount, an expense shows in budget progress when a budget is calculated by user or project hourly rates, and can appear on invoices. Reflection in costs makes an expense to show in budget progress when a budget is calculated by user hourly costs.

Edit expenses

Click on the expense title to make edits. Select multiple expenses to update or delete in bulk:

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