Pre-set dashboards

'Reports' in Everhour comes with a pre-set of 6 dashboards aimed to help you keep the pulse on the company without any extra setup.


Projects Budget

This dashboard collects all projects that have budgets so that you can quickly check their progress, what was spent, and what remains (if you want to check the history of the budget usage, click on a project name to open its summary).


Projects Costing

The dashboard compares the billable amount of each project for a selected period with its labor cost. As a result, you know what a client should pay you, what you should pay your employees and whether you get any profit from the difference. To make this dashboard work, please set the user default rates and costs on 'Members' page.


Team Hours

See your team’s time, all in one place. The dashboard shows working hours, time off and project hours, compares them with users' capacity and indicates if there are overtime or double overtime hours (requires ' Overtimes' app). 


Billability vs Utilization

The dashboard compares the billable amount of each project for a selected period with its labor cost. It also shows the proportion of billable time in all hours tracked by a user.



Here you can see cost of your team’s regular and overtime working hours. Everhour calculates overtime pay and gross pay based on the employee hourly cost and time.


Clients Profitability

The dashboard compares the billable amount of each client for a selected period with its costs. As a result, you know what you earn and can prevent any losses before they begin.



The dashboard compares the spent time by user or project/client with hours assigned for a selected period. Additionally, you can see further assigned time. (Only for legacy plans, not available since Aug 26, 2022).

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