Tracking billable / non-billable time

Everhour lets you track billable time that should be invoiced and paid by your client and non-billable time for which you don't charge but want to keep at hand for reporting purposes. 

Set up a billable project

Whether a specific time entry is billable or not is defined on a project level. Open 'Projects' page and set the billing status of each project (admins only). Choose from multiple billing methods: hourly project rate, hourly member rate or fixed fee. 

You can also make a project billable directly inside integrations by means of our browser extension (available in Asana, Trello, Basecamp, Jira, ClickUp).

Mark a specific task as 'non-billable'

By default, everything you and your team report into a billable project is considered to be billable. However, you can mark a specific task as 'non-billable'. Click on a task title anywhere in Everhour and click the ðŸ’² label to make it non-billable or set a custom task rate for T&M projects (admins only).

You can also make all the time of a specific employee non-billable in the project if you set the billing method by member rate and set the rate = 0.

Where to find this data

There are multiple pages where you can find and analyze this information. Only admins can see any money-related information.

Home page

Custom reports

Admins can make custom reports with such columns as 'Billable Time', 'Non-Billable Time', 'Billable Amount', 'Cost'. Use it to get the details per each member or task.

Summary pages

Each project summary contains information about the billable and non-billable time.

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