Creating a time off and allocation (admins)

Everhour admins and supervisors (if allowed) can record time offs for themselves and other team members. 

How to record a Time off

An admin can record a time off from multiple places across the app: 'Home', 'Time Off' or 'Resource planner' page. Regardless of where the button was clicked, you'll see the following window:

  1. Time Off. Choose one of the available types (categories);
  2. Assignee. Choose a person, multiple users, team groups, or everyone (if assigning a holiday);
  3. Period / Duration. The number of days the time off lasts. You can either choose from 1 of the 4 presets (3/4, 1/2, or 1/4 of the day), or hit the Custom switch and enter a custom time-off period. Additionally, you can indicate to count the non-working days or not;
  4. Time will be calculated based on a user's weekly capacity that you set on the 'Members' page. If the employee's weekly capacity is 40 hours (full-time employee), 1/2 of the day is 4 hours. If the capacity is 20 hours (part-time employee), then half of a working day will be 2 hours.
  5. Notes. You can leave extra notes. 

Some integrations (Asana, Trello, Basecamp) support adding time through a timesheet button, so time off can also be entered there.

Time off accrual

"Time Off Accrual" feature is designed to automate and simplify the process of tracking and allocating time off. This will help admins stay on top of employee balances, ensuring everyone knows exactly how many days they have available.

To allocate available time off, an admin needs to click on " Create Allocation" button on the right side. A window pops-up where you see the following:

  • Period: Define the period for the allocation (e.g., one year).
  • Frequency: Choose how the days will be accrued: all at once for the selected period or spread by days.
  • Days: Enter the total number of days to be accrued.
  • Carried Over Balance: Carry over unused days from the previous period.
  • Restrict Over-Allocation Requests: Prevents users from requesting more days than they have available if checked. If enabled, a warning message will appear: "Insufficient allocated days to proceed with time off."
  • Mark Allocation as Complete: Marks the allocation as finished, so these days are not added to the total balance.

When results are saved, "Allocations" column displays the current balance for each employee. Clicking the edit icon opens a table-popover showing all allocations, used days, and the remaining balance for the selected user.

An admin can also see a special "Allocations" tab next to "Time Off" where it is possible to find all information about user allocations filtering by period, member name, type, etc.

Import holidays

An admin can import statutory holidays in bulk to create them as time off events for the entire team. When clicking to create a time off, choose to import holidays, then proceed with filling other fields. You can select multiple employees at once. P.S. Holidays are taken from the outside open source.

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