Account suspension due to unsuccessful billing
Payments may not always go through. Besides the insufficient funds on your credit card, this may happen due to the payment being declined by your bank.
In this article
How we handle this in general
Failed recurrent payment
Everhour subscription automatically renews at the end of the billing period on a monthly or yearly basis depending on the type of your subscription.
If we cannot charge you for the coming period, the subscription will be automatically canceled and the account will be blocked. Everyone will lose access to their data until you resubscribe or downgrade to a free plan (only for teams of up to 5 users).
Failed pro-rata charge for new users
Suppose you have a paid subscription (10 users), and you add the 11th user in the middle of your billing cycle. The system will try to charge you $3.5 on a monthly plan or $30 on a yearly plan.
After 4 unsuccessful attempts, we mark your subscription to be cancelled by the end of the billing cycle. Until it happens, you will retain all access to your account.
If you reactivate subscription before the current cycle end, it will be restored and renews on next billing cycle as usual.