Resource planner: basic information
This is a legacy app renamed in Resource Planner. All new users can use our new Timeline app.
An essential part of time management is to plan the work of your team in advance: who’s busy, who’s overworked, who can handle more, when someone will be available for a new project? We offer to do that in our 'Schedule' app.
In this article
Schedule at a glance
Schedule page shows you a calendar view of all the assignments, past and future.
- Schedule can be viewed in several variations: data can be grouped by Member, Project, Client or in no way (so called 'Timeline');
- In the right corner you'll find create button, navigation, zoom, filters and settings;
- Weekly summary block aggregates information about the planned time, signals in red if there is an excess of employee's weekly capacity, displays the actually tracked time or time off taken;
- Each line can be expanded to see exact assignments.
Schedule settings
By default, the Schedule page is only visible to Everhour admins. You can invite other users and give them various levels of access to the page by clicking ⚙️ icon as well as select only specific projects / clients which makes sense to display in the Schedule.
- You can exclude specific projects or clients from Schedule. Thus they will not appear in the left sidebar and will not take up extra space.
- You can also exclude specific members if you aren't going to schedule assignments for them;
- Configure permissions: from having no access to the page, to the ability to see and change everyone's assignment.
Schedule permissions
There are 6 types of schedule access and privileges:
- Full access — the ability to see and change every assignment;
- View all, edit own — no ability to change other members' assignments;
- View all — a limitation to change anything;
- Edit own — a user can see, create and edit but only personal assignments;
- View own — a user can see personal assignments, but can't create or change them;
- No access — the Schedule page is invisible for a user.
Create and edit assignments
You can create an assignment by clicking on the green ➕ button in the upper right-hand corner or capture a specific period in the calendar (expand a row first or switch to the 'Timeline' view). As a result, It opens a window with additional information.
- Select the type of an assignment: 'Project or Task', 'Client' or 'Time off';
- Select an assignee and color (optionally);
- Specify period and the number of hours (total or daily);
- Leave a comment (optionally).