Clock-in, clock-out and breaks

Logging time on individual projects is a great way for many companies to track their clients work and improve future proposals - but not every business runs that way. With our Clock-In / Clock-Out feature your team can record their hours at work each day without having to log time on specific tasks.

This feature is perfect for logging time for salaried employees or team members who don’t need to log their hourly work. Team admins can see how many hours they’ve worked each day, week, or month and use them for payroll. It is also good to know when work was started and ended if your state legislation requires that. For companies that also log project hours, our Timecards app gives a way to compare working hours to project hours.

Timecards app can be turned on / off by admin on the Applications page. An admin can additionally decide here who from the team list will get access to this feature.

In this article

How to clock in


Any user can make a clock in by going to their Everhour account and click the 'Clock-In' button in the menu in the upper right corner.


Also, any user can make a clock in without opening our website, by using the 'Clock-In' button inside the browser extension.


In addition, we try to simplify the procedure as much as possible by reducing the monotonous actions, while still maintaining the reasonable accuracy of the data entered. Therefore, if you just click on a timer to track your time, we automatically set you as 'Clocked-In'. To enable this option, go to your profile and choose "Clock in/out based on your time entries".


If you choose another option saying "Clock in/out based on your PC idle", we will detect when your computer goes in the sleep mode / awakens and change your status. 

How to clock out


In the same manner, any user can make a clock out manually by going to their Everhour account and click the 'Clock-Out' button in the menu or via the browser extension. If there was a running timer, it will be stopped. 


If you left work, but forgot to make a clock-out, we will do it for you. 4 hours after the 'working hours' specified on the team settings page, we will automatically set clock-out to everyone who does not have a running timer. We will use the time from the last time entry record created in this day.

Example. Your team working hours are 9:00 am - 7:00 pm. At 11:00 pm we'll auto set clock-out for users who didn't have it excluding those who are still working (having running timers). If the last time entry for the user was a timer from 4:00 pm till 6:00 pm, clock-out time will be 6:00 pm. If the user manually reported 2h at 4 pm, clock-out time will be 4:00 pm.


If you choose to detect your computer idle state, we will set you clock out every time you go in the sleep mode.

How to log breaks

Break is the duration between 2 clock-in events. So, if you go out for lunch, you need to 'Сlock-out' before leaving and then 'Clock-in' on return. Every time, there is a new break made, we sum it up to the previous amount. Your Timecard displays total breaks. Hover on them to get duration of each.

The total working hours per day is the difference between the time of the first clock-in and the last clock-out minus the sum of all breaks.

Changes logs

Each action is logged and the history can be seen on the 'Timecards tab' in multiple places across the app by hovering on each cell.

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