Users in different time zones
Everhour uses your the timezone settings from your PC. When you record time (or take a screenshot), it will be displayed on team timesheets according to your PC settings, but on the time log according to the setting of the member who sees them.
Time entries on team timesheets
Example: John from tracks time on Tuesday from 12-1 am Sydney time (UTC+10). Although it's still Monday for Ben from London (UTC), he will still see this time entry logged for Tuesday, and so will everyone else on the team.
Below are screenshots of places where you see hours in another user time zone:

Time entries on task time logs and activity tab
Task time logs work a little differently though: if Ben opens John's task log or activity page, he will see that the time entry was logged on Monday at 2-3 pm UTC time. Mike from Minsk will see it logged on Monday during 5-6 pm (UTC+3).