Time page
'Time' page in Everhour is a hub where you manage all your time entries. Add or edit time, find more details, make sure the data for a particular day or week is correct. The page is divided into 3 tabs.
'List' tab
On the 'List' tab, you'll see time entries grouped by day of the week, in descending order. The current day is always at the top, likewise the last task you worked on that day.
'Timesheet' tab
The timesheet tab shows mostly the same data but in a different interpretation. Here you'll see your tasks grouped together with the total time for a particular day of the week.
'Timecard' tab
'Timecards' is an essential yet not used by every team functionality. It can be added or removed from the Everhour interface (you can even enable it only for certain members) by any team admin on the Applications page.
This feature is perfect for logging time for salaried employees or team members who don’t need to log their hourly work. See how many hours you’ve worked each day or week. Admins can use this info for payroll. Sometimes it's required to log when work was started and ended by law.
'Screenshots' tab
Screenshots let the team administrators monitor the page visits and activity of any member in order to prove they are indeed working on a task for which they report hours. It can be added or removed from the Everhour interface (you can even enable it only for certain members) by any team admin on the Applications page (Available with Team plan only). After that, every member who was included on the list should install a desktop app so that Everhour could take screenshots.
This page will be divided with hourly blocks, each block with 6 screenshots in total, because we take a screenshot every 10 minutes.
- Each screenshot has exact time when it was taken displayed according to the user time format.
- Choose a day for which you want to see screenshots.
- A task title for which a user was tracking with a timer at the moment of screenshot taking. When you were not using timer at that moment, the screen will say "No timer".
- We label a screenshot with "No activity" when it was not taken, and "Deleted" if somebody removed it.
- Remove a screenshot / bulk select screenshots to remove.