My profile page

What type of information is located here

The profile page contains your personal details in a team, as well as preferences you use working with our reports. All types of settings applied here deal only with your own profile, it does not change anything for the rest of the team.

Basic information

The first block shows info that you add during the registration: your avatar, name, job title, country. There is a field to change your email address and password you use with Everhour. We also display your current team role and who owns your team. As a team owner, you can switch ownership to other team admins.

Personal preferences

This block allows you to change the way you see the information in Everhour reports. Any change that you make in this block is personal, i.e. has no effect on how other members see information in their reports.
You can round time in your reports to the nearest number or round up. Mind that it is not the same rounding that you have for invoices when going to applications. We also define the format you are comfortable working with. Default Startup Page is used to define what is the first page that you see when logging into your account.

Automation Preferences

Here you can decide if you want Everhour to clock you in/ out based on your PC activity or your manual actions.

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